After a whole semester of tutorials and lectures, days of insufficient sleep, racking my brain and killing my precious cells for the past 2 weeks studying for the exams, eventually all of it comes to an end.. the 2 months holiday is here.. but the main shit is, the holiday is too damn long.. too long of a holiday = Boredom.. its like hell sitting at home and be fascinated by a Freaking box called the tv or just sleeping around.. or maybe staring at the wall and reminiscing about my screwed up life.. This is just so God damn boring.. i'm going crazy.. everyone around me is so busy and occupied with their own shit in life.. hai and the saddest thing is, shes busy at the moment too.. hah.. anyone out there in the same shit hole as me??? i doubt so.. argh.....!!! even during the holiday i gota rack my brain and think of somethin to do.. ok enough of the holiday craps.. i've come up with a few shits that i can do..
1) Get a job
2) Concentrate on my music and guitar
3) Continue with my exercise regime
Thats all i can think of now.. maybe u guys out there can give me other alternatives.. just drop me a tag ya.. thanx..
hai if only i can sleep through the holiday.... and just wake me up when it ends..